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eLearning Days


eLearning Days in the South Bend Empowerment Zone

eLearning days are an essential part of continuous learning when schools must respond to inclement weather, built-in professional learning days for teachers, COVID-19 outbreaks, public health orders, or executive state orders by shifting to a temporary remote learning option. 


While eLearning does have an online learning component, work may include on- and off-screen learning opportunities. Elementary schools in the South Bend Empowerment Zone use the Seesaw online learning platform to communicate with families and provide student eLearning assignments.

Student eLearning Expectations

Log into SeeSaw daily


Communicate with your teacher by email, Seesaw, or other established means.


Access reliable internet safely.
If you do not have access to the internet, please contact your school.


Participate in digital learning according to the SBCSC Code of Conduct.


Complete all assignments to the best of your ability. Assignments are due three days from posting.


If you have a technology issue contact the Help Desk

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